Avoma for Zoom App

Step by step instructions on how to install Avoma for Zoom Desktop App


To use Zoom Apps, you need to upgrade to the latest Zoom client: https://zoom.us/download


With the Avoma for Zoom App, you can focus on the conversation, automate note-taking, and collaborate faster for your Zoom meetings, without the need to open Avoma in a separate web browser.


In this document, with step by step instructions, you will learn how to:

  1. Install Avoma for Zoom Desktop App 

  2. Configure recording settings in Zoom

  3. Configure recording settings in Avoma

  4. How to use Avoma Assistant for Zoom Apps across the meeting's entire lifecycle (before, during, and after)

  5. Uninstall Avoma's app

1. Install Avoma Assistant for Zoom Apps in the Zoom Client

1.1. Search for the Avoma Assistant app in the Zoom Apps Marketplace

Type Avoma Assistant as the App name to search Avoma app in the Zoom App marketplace.

1.2. View App's detailed listing page and Add app

1.3. Open Avoma App

1.4. Sign up to Avoma from your Zoom App with your Work email address

2. Configure recording settings in Zoom

2.1. Enable the "Cloud Recording" setting

Go to Zoom's Recording Setting page (https://zoom.us/profile/setting?tab=recording) and Enable the "Cloud recording" setting as shown below:


2.2. Enable the "Automatic Recording" setting

From the same Zoom's Recording Setting page (https://zoom.us/profile/setting?tab=recording), Enable the "Automatic recording" setting as shown below:


2.3. Enable the "Auto Delete Cloud Recording" setting (Recommended)

From the same Zoom's Recording Setting page (https://zoom.us/profile/setting?tab=recording), Enable the "Auto Delete Cloud Recording" setting as shown below:


3. Configure Recording Settings in Avoma

3.1. Confirm your "Zoom Meeting Recording" Setting

Go to Avoma's Recording Setting page (https://app.avoma.com/settings/recording) and make sure you see all Zoom settings are shown as "Enabled in Zoom" as shown below:

Once this is all set up, if you go to the Homepage (https://app.avoma.com/meetings/my), you should see for your upcoming meetings, when you are the organizer and have Zoom conference details in a calendar invite, it will show the recording state as "Recording via Zoom" as shown below:


If you do not wish to record the meeting, you need to stop recording that meeting via the Zoom Video client.


4. Use Avoma's Zoom App

4.1. During the meeting – Take collaborative notes

4.2. After the meeting – Review upcoming and past meetings from the home page

4.3 After the meeting – Review a specific meeting's recording and Transcript

4.4 After the meeting – Review a specific meeting's summarized notes


5. Uninstall Zoom App

If at any time in the future you decide to not analyze your Zoom meetings and want to disconnect your Zoom account from Avoma, you can and unlink it from the Conference Settings page: https://app.avoma.com/settings/conference