Forecast Settings

How to reach: Settings > Your Account > CRM > Configure > Forecasting 

Permissions: You must be an Admin or team manager to make changes here

Under Forecast settings, you will find below the options 

Forecast Amount

With this, you can choose how the Forecast Amount is displayed in your forecasting view. Forecast Amount options are set up in your CRM and pulled in by Avoma.

You can choose from the below options

  1. Total Amount - Actual deal amount that’s in your CRM is displayed in Avoma.
  2. Weighted Amount (Coming Soon) - You can set weightage to each deal stage in your CRM and that weighted deal amount is displayed in Avoma.

Forecast Category

Forecast Category (Forecast Type in case of salesforce) is a property within your CRM. Avoma imports these values from your CRM and are displayed in Avoma. 

Forecast teams

In your Forecasting view and Targets in Avoma you may not have all teams created in Avoma relevant for forecasting and thus you can decide to make certain teams visible. Avoma will show all teams if none selected.

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Forecast access controls

Often organizations want to enforce additional access controls for teams part of forecast practice. You can do that in Avoma using this setting. 

Once you’ve selected forecast teams you can use these settings to lets users view and edit the team's forecasts and targets as per different combinations. By default we keep it accessible to everyone from the forecast teams. Big teams can explore adding more profiles to allow various levels of visibility and control for different team roles.

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The above combinations allow you to choose as below


  1. All team members → All selected teams in the forecast teams can access or modify forecasts and targets of all selected teams. 
  2. Teams they’re part of → The team members can access or modify the data of all members part of their primary and nested teams.
  3. Only team managers and admins → Only team managers  (Set in avoma teams setting) and admins can access or modify
  4. Their own → Team members can access or modify the data of their own. 
  5. Specific teams → Selected teams can access or modify data for the defined permission set. You allow leadership or finance teams to view the forecasts and targets.


Once you’ve set everything right go over to set targets and start your forecasting journey with Avoma.

Read more about the complete guide on Avoma forecast here.