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How to Customize your Smart Categories

In Avoma, you can set up Smart Categories that can be configured to extract custom notes to fit your needs. Includes Trigger Prompts & Keywords.

Smart Categories

Any Avoma Admin in your organization can add and configure your Smart Categories. To access this setting:

  1. Click on Settings in the left side panel, and click on the Smart Categories option. Click HERE to access it directly.
  2. Add as many additional smart categories as you need by clicking on the Add Smart Category button on the top right corner of your screen. 

For each category, you have 2 options available to customize how and what notes will automatically extract from your meetings. 

  • Trigger Prompts
  • Keywords

Both items can be configured by clicking on the "Trigger Prompt and Keywords based AI-Smart Notes" tab.

NOTE:  You also have the ability to map your Smart Categories to any multi-line text CRM Field

Trigger Prompts

Trigger Prompts are reference questions that allow you to extract more custom notes. With this feature, you can configure "trigger" questions or "prompts" that team members are asking during the call, and Avoma extracts notes based on those trigger prompts into a specific Smart Category. In the below example, we created a custom category called "Referral Source" and set up the trigger prompt as "How did you hear about us". Anytime a rep asks this question (or a question like it), and the prospect responds to it, Avoma will extract the response in the notes under the "Referral Source" category. You can add as many additional variations or prompts as needed. 

To add a Trigger Prompt

  1. Expand the Trigger Prompt and Keywords based AI-generated Smart Notes tab.
  2. Type the first question to display in the notes editor next to the Smart Category to extract notes based on the trigger prompt, then click Add.
  3. Click on the plus [➕] to add additional variations to the trigger prompt, then click Add.
  4. Configure which text you want to extract.

  5.  Configure the length of transcript text to extract.

NOTE: When setting up trigger prompts, try to avoid commonly used words or short 2-3 word trigger phrases for best results.


Applying Keywords to your Smart Categories will prompt Avoma to automatically pull in that Keyword under that Category when that word is mentioned in your meeting. Using the same example, below is how you can configure your keywords under a "Referral Source" category. 

To add Keywords

  1. Within the Trigger Prompt and Keywords based AI-generated Smart Notes tab, toggle on the indicator Extract Keyword mentions as Smart Notes to extract keywords from the transcript.
  2. Add the keywords that you want to be tracked under the Add Keywords for Smart Notes field. 

NOTE: You can add variations of the Keywords by clicking on the plus [➕] to add them.

If you have any additional questions, please contact help@avoma.com.