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How to set up teams

What is a team?

A team is a group of individuals within an organization. In Avoma, you have the flexibility to organize your teams in a way that mirrors how teams are structured in your organization. For example, you can create teams that consist of representatives and their managers.

One great feature of Avoma is that you can assign a member to multiple teams. This is particularly useful when members are involved in multiple projects and need to collaborate efficiently across different teams or groups in Avoma.

In Avoma, you can easily search and filter meetings based on specific teams. This feature allows you to quickly find and access relevant meetings for a particular team, making it essential to set up your teams properly.

It's important to note that when a member joins Avoma, they are not automatically added to a team. However, you can easily create and add members to a team within Avoma by following the steps outlined below.

How to create a team

As long as you are an admin of your organization in Avoma, you will be able to create and manage teams by clicking on your "Settings" and clicking on the "Teams" tab. You can click HERE to access your Teams settings directly.

To add a new Team, click on the "Create New Team" button. 

Once your team is created, you can invite members of your Avoma organization to the team by clicking on the team, clicking "Add Members" and selecting your necessary team members in the drop-down. 

What is a primary team ? 

The primary team is the main team that a member belongs to in an organization hierarchy. It is important to set one team as the member's primary team in order to control the privacy access of their conversations.

Conversations with privacy set as  "Visible to Primary Team," will be visible to only members belonging to the participants' primary team 

For more details, please check this link.

How to set a Primary Team for member ?

By default, a team is set as primary for a member if it is the first team they join. There are a couple of ways you can change the primary team of members.

1. Changing Primary Team in bulk.

This option allows you to change the primary team for all the members added to a certain team in one go.

To change the primary team for team members in one go, go to Settings > Organization > Teams . Navigate to the team that you want to set as the Primary team for all its members. Click on the More Options icon (⋮) . Click on the “Set <Team Name> as primary team for all members“ option.

2. Changing Primary Team for an individual member.

You can also change the Primary Team of an individual member from the Members section.  Go to Settings > Organization > Members.  In the Teams column, hover over the team(s) name. In the popover that appears, hover upon the name of the team. Click on the “Set as Primary Team“ button against the team that you want to set as primary for the member.


Please contact help@avoma.com if you have any questions regarding how to set up your Avoma Teams.