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  2. Avoma Scheduler

Redirect Invitees to an external site after they book a meeting

You can now redirect invitees that book a meeting using your Avoma scheduling page to an external site - marketing website, demo page, case study page, reading material etc.

When an invitee books a meeting using your Avoma scheduling page link, they see a booking confirmation page. You can also choose to redirect them to an external site like a marketing website, demo page, case study page etc. 

Note : This functionality is available only to members with Starter, Plus, Business and Enterprise licenses. 

How to redirect invitees to an external site after scheduling

  1. Go to Avoma > Scheduler and select the scheduling page you want to make this change to.
  2. Expand the "Confirmation Page Preferences" section. 
  3. In this section, you will now see two options - 
    1. Display booking confirmation page.
    2. Display booking confirmation page and redirect to an external page. 
  4. Select the second option - Display booking confirmation page and redirect to an external page. 

    Screenshot 2023-06-19 at 2.36.36 PM

  5. An input field to enter the URL of the external page will be displayed. Enter a valid URL to which you want to redirect invitees after they book a meeting. 
  6. If you want to pass the information of your meeting to the external site, select Pass event information to the external page.
  7. Click Save.

Note : On your public scheduling page, when invitees book a meeting , they will be shown the booking confirmation page and then redirected to the external URL that you specify after 3 seconds

Passing event information to the external page

If you select the "Pass event information...", when invitees are redirected to the external page, the following event details will be added to the URL automatically. 

Event details Description
assigned_to The organizer to whom this meeting was assigned

Start time of the event in ISO 8601 format
e.g :  2020-12-25T13:35:00

event_end_time End time of the event in ISO 8601 format
invitee_email Email address provided by the invitee
invitee_first_name First name of the invitee.
invitee_last_name Last name of the invitee

Apart from the above information, if the information about "role", "company", "agenda" and "additional_guests" is provided by the invitee during booking, this information will also be passed in the URL.

If you wish to create custom thank you pages and track this information, we recommend seeking help from a developer.