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Using the Viewport to Find a Meeting

The saved views at the top of the Avoma workbench is called the Viewport. There are three default views, with the capability to add up to 20 more.

  • My Meetings are meetings where you are a participant. You will see these meetings if you are either the originator of the meeting or an invited participant.
  • Team Meetings are those meetings where one or more of your listed team members are involved in a meeting. (Configuring those teams can be done by an admin in Settings > Organization > Teams).
  • All Meetings includes those meetings of your teammates as well as those meetings of others within your Organization (Note: This assumes that the meeting's privacy settings are set to Organization or Public).

Adding Views

Within Avoma you can create a filtered search and then save it for future use by yourself or by others within your organization. After you have made the filter would like to keep

  1. Click on the Add View link.
  2. In the popup, click on the Create View link.
  3. Name the Saved View.
  4. Choose your Visibility criteria.
  5. Select whether you would like to receive alerts on about that filter - and at what frequency (Avoma will send email alerts when new conversations match these filter selections.
  6. Click on the Save View button.

The new view will show in the Viewport next to the others. 

NOTE: To reorder the different tabs, drag and drop the view to a different location on the Viewport line. 

NOTE: To remove a view from the Viewport, click on the pin within the tab. 

Managing (Pinning / Deleting) a View

Within Avoma you can modify which views are shown within the Viewport. To modify an existing view...

  1. Click on the Add View link.
  2. Find the view you want to modify/move from one of the view tabs (Standard Views, My Views, Teammates' Views).
  3. Hover over the desired view and...
    1. Select the pin icon to remove that view from the viewport. (This keeps it available for future usage, but will not display on a daily basis).
    2. Click on the Action dots then Select Delete to permanently delete the View.

NOTE: By clicking on the Edit view option, you can rename the view and change its visibility.

Receiving Email Alerts for Saved Views

You can get alerts when new conversations match a particular saved view. Avoma will send email alerts when new conversations match these filter selections. These can be for your views or those of your teammates. 
  • The user can subscribe to receive alerts for their own views or that of their teammates.
  • The subscription email will only be sent when the user subscribes to the individual view.
  • A user can change his subscription preference or disable alerts altogether.

To subscribe to your view or a teammates view:

  1. Click on the alert icon in the tab within view for which you want to receive the alerts.

  2. Toggle on the alert and choose your alert preferences (Daily vs. Weekly)


    NOTE: The alert Icon will add a checkmark and a tool tip will be added which indicates the cadence of the alerts.

  3. Check your email for the alert message.

If you have any additional questions, please contact our team at help@avoma.com.